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Individual Therapy
Coaching Packages


Individual Therapy

My holistic approach to mental health is rooted in my belief in the profound interconnectedness of Mind, Body, and Soul, and aimed at restoring balance on multiple levels. Bridging neurobiology, cognitive sciences, and psychoanalysis, I apply different theories and techniques coherently, within the context of a Polyvagal Theory-informed therapy. Combining talk therapy with other modalities (such as vagal toning practices, guided imagery and Internal Family Systems, to name a few) allows for a comprehensive treatment model and facilitates deeper and faster changes.

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Coaching Packages

I offer two tailored holistic coaching programs designed with your unique journey in mind. In the 8-weeks program, we'll delve into targeted guidance to identify imbalances and catalyze actionable change. In the 16-weeks program, we’ll have the chance to explore the depths of your journey, uncovering the layers that contribute to your personal growth. This extended journey provides the opportunity to develop an action plan that not only brings about positive changes but also embeds them into your daily life, ensuring a lasting impact. Whichever path you choose, you'll have my dedicated support and a wealth of tools at your disposal, empowering you to navigate towards a more fulfilled life.


Stress Reduction Program

My Stress Reduction program consists of 10 weekly sessions in which I share different tools and strategies aimed at managing and reducing stress levels. After an initial intake session, (in which I gather information about the current stressors in your life and the coping strategies presently in place), we will dive into Mindfulness practices, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, RAIN meditation, Pranayama breathing techniques, and Vagus Nerve Stimulation practices that will complement a short, yet focused journey to a calmer mind.

Stress Reduction
Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic experiences can give us insight into the barriers and misalignments we need to address to continue toward or maintain wholeness. Nevertheless, it is the active effort of revisiting such experiences and working with the content that emerges from them, that offers the opportunity to bring profound and long-lasting changes into our lives, preventing valuable lessons from fading, and difficult experiences from potentially reinforcing traumas or existing dysfunctional patterns and defenses. The average number of integration sessions recommended after a psychedelic journey is a minimum of 3 weekly sessions of 90 minutes, even though this can vary depending on the desired goals.

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